Many of Toyota Vehicle which have a electronic trottle control system attempt this fault when we release the vehicle peadal then vehicle gets off, lets come to know why this fault accured
when we disconnet the battery connector for a 10 to 20 minutes or more or we removed the battery and we just remain switch on and the memory of trottle control gets lost and then you need to relearn your trottle control, by just cleaning the the trottle body, one thing if there is this problem The MIL light
do not illuminates,

to test there is problem in trottle body or trottle body need to have clean you just need to try this trick to know trottle body have problem or not, just you need to remove the connector and start vehicle and check if vehicle is idle standing then you need to clean trottle body, if vechile is still have a problem then you need to check air leakage, I mean check other pipes, like brake pipes there may be problem and vehicle engine is getting air inside which leads vehicle to gets off as release gas pedal.
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